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The winter is coming, at least in the northern hemisphere as most of you are now are aware and with it many wonderful festivities from across the world, to be celebrated in family circles. For most, the winter is a time of snow, ice and long nights. Depending on the part of the world you live in you may experience a blizzard or a heavy snowfall, which coincides with the festivities at this time of the year. There should be plenty of signs of the upcoming holidays with towns and cities adorned with decorations. To get you in the mood for the upcoming festivities chose two pictures of your choice and have them appear on the windows of a high street shop with heavy snow falling outside on the street. Try it today and arouse your excitement of the festive days!
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También te puede interesar
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Día nevado Crea una imagen con efecto nieve
Santa Snow Angel Haz un ángel de nieve con un traje de Papá Noel esta temporada de invierno
Ornamento Haz una bombilla con tu foto
Regalo de Navidad Crea un regalo de Navidad virtual esta temporada festiva
Diario de navidad Regale el Diario de Navidad con un mensaje personal y una foto de su elección.