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Efek ini dapat menghasilkan gambar animasi
Banksy is an anonymous English street artist who wows the public with his satirical street art. Recently the public was witness to a stunt event occurring in the famous Sotheby's auction house in London. This is when the famous Girl With Balloon artwork by Banksy was shredded in front of shocked audience, minutes after being sold.
Do you fancy playing a role of an anonymous artist while shredding your own masterpieces? Now you can with the Banksy Shredder effect. Choose your picture, select still image or animation effect while also having an option to turn your image into stencil.
Give it a go today and shock your friends and family with your own masterful creation.
Do you fancy playing a role of an anonymous artist while shredding your own masterpieces? Now you can with the Banksy Shredder effect. Choose your picture, select still image or animation effect while also having an option to turn your image into stencil.
Give it a go today and shock your friends and family with your own masterful creation.
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