Efekt ten może wygenerować obraz w wysokiej rozdzielczości
Another popular form of art which has been trendy is the chalk board. The artists express their ideas on the blackboard simply using a white chalk and produce a combination of textual and pictorial works. Such is the simplicity of this form of art that anyone with a black canvas and piece of chalk can get involved. At PhotoFunia you don’t even need that to become a chalk board artist. With the chalk board effect you can even produce a unique letter of invitation to a wedding or a special event and even print a hardcopy to send in an envelope. All you need is to enter a textual title, pick a symbol out of twelve available and write up a small text passage of no more than 4 lines. Next, in a matter of seconds this effect will randomly apply various fonts and texture to your text which will result in a unique chalk board message. Try it today with various symbols and texts, the variations are limitless!
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