Bu efekt, yüksek çözünürlükte bir görüntü oluşturabilir
Gold and gold coins have been a going currency for many millennia being the bloodline of world commerce. Many famous politicians and influential people adorned cold coins, which were a highly valuable possession at the time. Nowadays the coins come in different shapes and sizes while being made from various precious metals such as gold, silver and copper. With the help of PhotoFunia you can now decorate a gold coin with your own picture and engrave your own text on the face of it. Simply choose a picture, enter text and select year to create your own commemorative coin. Try it today and share it with your friends and family.
Paylaşma efekti
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Şenlikli Okuma Fotoğrafınızı, birisinin kış tatilinde okuduğu kitaptaki bir resme dönüştürün