Bu efekt, yüksek çözünürlükte bir görüntü oluşturabilir
In photography a double exposure is the superimposition of two exposures to create a single image. In other words, you take two shots using the same segment of the film and as a result you have a blend of two images.
For this effect we've already chosen a set of images you can use as a texture. All you have to do is upload your photo and choose one of those textures. For better results your photo should be a high contrast portrait on a plain light background.
For this effect we've already chosen a set of images you can use as a texture. All you have to do is upload your photo and choose one of those textures. For better results your photo should be a high contrast portrait on a plain light background.
Paylaşma efekti
Şunlar da hoşunuza gidebilir
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Film Etkisi Bu efektle resimlerinizin eski görünmesini sağlayın
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