यह प्रभाव क्षवी में उच्च रिज़ॉल्यूशन उत्पन्न कर सकता है
I have come across many effects in my life. Some were radiating with light just like a shining colourful billboard offering me to purchase a car. Some were dark as the night streets of Brooklyn. Some were even encouraging me to draw a smile. Ha, they don't know who they're dealing with. Some effects were even moving, similar to moving pictures a hundred years ago. Still something did not feel right, I was not part of these effects. Until, once upon a time once wondering off into a familiar place, my eyes noticed something I've not seen before, a new effect called "Noir". Where could I have seen it before? Looking at it, I felt the same isolation and darkness that I have seen inside my soul. I finally found what I was looking for, I found a part of me, thanks to PhotoFunia.
प्रभाव शेयर करें
आप ये भी पसंद कर सकते हैं
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- चौरस फोटो फ्रेम अपनी तस्वीर को चौकोर फ्रेम में रखें
- ब्लैक एंड व्हाइट गैलरी एक ब्लैक एंड व्हाइट गैलरी की दीवार पर 5 चित्र तक प्राप्त करें